Pheeeww... letihnye...
Seriously lepas balik dr Malaysia pg td, badan sangat xsedap..
Sengal badan, sakit pinggang, letih + lesu..
Maybe sebab as im in Malaysia baru ni, bynk sgt agendanye..
Sampai cuti 5 hari tu rase cam kejap sangat je..
Okay... as today saye memang tgah sakit belakang ni..
Mmg nak kena ke spa lah ni.. dapat massage full body ni memang best!!
Maklumlah.. saye kan dalam pantang lagi skang..
Then dah lasak-lasak dah... naik flight, kemas rumah
And baru ni balik kampung jmpe anak, dah kne berjaga malam..
So memang skang ni sengal gila satu badan..
Later nak pergi spa utk traditional massage lah!..
which is about 60min yg saya biasa ambil..
Nak ambil lelama tak tahan.. sebab sakit..
Pernah sekali time urat dah berketul after deliver,
Lepas massage, saye nangis!
Time tu mmg tak tipu..... sakit gila!
Tapi kalau tak sakit,.. bukan massage lah namanya..
And after that pain hilang, badan rasa ringan.. Best!..
Then, lepas dah massage,.. mulalah...
Nak lulur (body scrub).. Pastu waxing..
Lepas waxing mesti nak threading plak..
pastu MeniPedi plak..
pastu dah settle semua,.. salon plak...
Haisshhh... mulalah tu nak melarat-larat tu... hehe..
Tapi biasanya xde la saye buat semua dalam satu masa..
Paling lama pun just 3 hour je...
Best memang best bila body kena pampered..
Tapi kalau lelama pun xbest jugak..
So,.. what i do is, saye akan buat berperingkat...
And now lepas bersalin ni mmg almost every week la..
Maklumlah... body ni kne la tune up balik..
Baru mantap!!! hahaha... :P
Errmmmm... last week saye pergi try 1 of
the most popular Javanese treatment for miss V..
Hahaha.. i kan baru lepas bersalin..
And as i duduk Medan, this type of treatment
memang senang nak dapat..
But not all Spa in Medan had this..
but it easier to find it here compare to Malaysia..
Then yang paling best,.. harga pun tak mahal!!
If kat Malaysia especially KL,.....
for sure double or triple the price in Medan...
Untung kan duduk Medan!! Sape kate Medan tak best??..
Okk.. sambung balik...
They had some list for Miss V treatment..
The one yang i maksudkan diatas is "Miss V Spa"..
Which is jugak dikenali sebagai "Ratus"..
"Ratus" ni perawatan yang dimana u had to sit on a speacial stool
which had a hole kat tetengah stool tu..
Rempah ratus akan dibakar (mcm bakar kemeyan tu)..
So ur V part area tu akan di asapkan dgn wap panas dr herbs yang terbakar tu..
Best!!.... berpeluh peluh satu badan...
Seriously for those yang baru lepas bersalin,,.. u should try this!
Tp makesure nifas dah berhenti dulu baru try okay.. :)
Khasiat Perawatan Ratus V Spa Rebus:
Mencegah keputihan
Mencegah infeksi
Menyembuhkan gatal-gatal
Menghilangkan bau
Mengurangi lendir
Menyeimbangi kelembapan
Other than that, bynk jugak treatment lain utk miss V..
Such as Miss V Accupressure or dgn kata lainnye "totok miss V"..
Haaaa... this is one of the best jugak lah!!
"Accupressure ini dilakukan dengan cara menekan titik-titik
yang berhubungan dengan syaraf miss V.
Titik urutannya terletak pada
paha, pinggult, perut, dan selangkangan.
Ia bertujuan untuk membuat aliran darah menjadi lancar
menguatkan otot-otot di daerah pinggul. J
ika aliran darah lancar, maka cairan
pada miss V akan keluar dengan normal.
The purpose of this treatment is ~ Pengencangan, Multiorgasme and mencegah frigidity for women.."
One of most hardcore sikit is Brazillian wax.. haha..
Hardcore sebab its a waxing treatment at miss v area..
And for those yg tak tau waxing treatment tu ape,..
Menurut incik wiki.. "Waxing is a form of semi-permanent hair removal which removes the hair from the root. New hair will not grow back in the previously waxed area for two to eightweeks, although some people will start to see regrowth in only a week. Almost any area of the body can be waxed, including eyebrows, face, bikini area, legs,arms, back, abdomen and feet. There are many types of waxing suitable for removing unwanted hair."
"Strip waxing is accomplished by spreading a wax thinly over the skin. A cloth or paper strip is then pressed on the top and ripped off the direction of hair growth. This removes the wax along with the hair. Strip wax can also be made at home using lemon juice, water, sugar and honey."
Whoaaaaaa.... Sakit x???!!!...
For sure la sakit... tp bearable la..
As for me yang memang jenis yang tahan sakit..
Underarm waxing pun saye tak rase pape,..
So memang saye rase sakit biasa je la utk yg tutttt pun..
But, utk org lain saye tak tau la kan...
The best part is, Brazillian wax ni, u can choose the design..
if nak tau design mcm mana,.. bole tanya mr. google..
searh for an image under "brazillian wax"
or " bikini wax".. its basically the same je..
And nanti u guys akan faham... segan nak letak
photo design tu kat sini.. haha..
And another part yang best is the hair
yang tumbuh after that tu lembut..
tak macam aftershave..
aftershave dah macam bulu janggut lelaki je kan
kasarnye.. haha.. -.-"
And plus,... ur miss v surface pun akan lembut juge..
Selembut hati suami yg menyentuhnye... haha.. sengal!
And other than that yang biasa-biasa je la..
Actually got 2 new treatment and if not mistaken,
nama treatment tu is vajacial (miss v facial) and bum treatment..
Vajacial treatment is a treatment utk remove the ingrown hair..
Biasenye terjadi after brazillian wax..
and bum treatment pulak untuk mencerahkan if not mistaken..
Hahaha... ntah la.. cuz i've never try it yet..
Banyak hal kan kene jage bila dah jd perempuan kan!...
Ini baru spa treatment je..
Belum treatment Marie France Bodyline saye lagi..
But MFB saye hold kejap dulu sampai new sem..
Sebab biar lah lepas raye baru start slimming course tu kan..
Baru lah bole bebetul follow the schedule...
Hurm... oklah..
I had to rush to make an appoinment utk massage hari ni..
Kang full kang habis la nk kne tahan semalaman lg sakit belakang ni..
Hehe.. Bye-bye.. ^_^